Welcome to Year 6
nurturing bright futures
Meet the Team
6P Class teacher - Mrs Fox
6P Teaching Assistant - Mrs Riches
6P Email: 6p@potttersgreen.org.uk
Welcome to Year 6! We are all looking forward to continuing and sharing in new adventures together as you all develop within your education in your final year of Primary School. We hope you all enjoy your time in Year 6 and if you do have any questions, please contact your class teacher using the class email address.
PE for the Autumn Term will be every Monday and Thursday. On Monday afternoon, children will be swimming and will need to bring appropriate swimwear and a towel to school. On Thursday afternoon, children will need PE consisting of jogging bottoms or shorts, t-shirt, jumper/hoody and trainers. Please ensure all PE kits' are named and in school on the day that your child has PE
Home Learning
Home Learning will be set each Friday on Seesaw and is due to be completed by the following Thursday. Home Learning on Seesaw will consist of a Maths, Reading or Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) task relating to the learning completed in class that week. Seesaw logins can be found in the front of your child’s Reading Record Book.
As well as this children are expected to read to an adult three times each week, practice times tables using TTRS and practice spellings in their RWI Log Book. We ask that adults at home sign and date their child's reading record when they have been heard read. Children need to bring their reading book and RWI Log Book into school each day.
Reading Eggs is a great way for your child to continue improving their reading and comprehension skills. Logins can be found in the front of you child's Reading Record book.
Times Table Rock Stars is a great way for your child to practise their times tables and number skills. Logins can be found in the front of your child's Reading Record book.
Our Autumn Term Curriculum
This half term, we will be using the book Kensuke’s Kingdom to learn how to write an adventure story. Following this we will be focussing on writing newspaper reports using the book #Goldilocks. In the second half of the term, children will learn how to write a persuasive letter and write a romance narrative based on the text Paperman. Our class reading book this term is The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas written by John Boyne.
This half term, we will be focussing on place value and the four number operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. After the half term, children will focus calculating with fractions and converting units of measure. Lessons will focus on Maths mastery following the White Rose scheme.
In Science this half term, we will be learning all about classification. Children will have opportunities to create their own species and to identify and classify trees and living things within the local environment.
This half term, our geography topic is Extreme Earth and children will work towards answering the enquiry question ‘How is the impact of global warming changing the world’s climate?’ This unit teaches children about the Earth’s climate and areas of extreme temperature including the locations of the hottest, driest, wettest and coolest places on the planet. As well as this children will learn about the water cycle and the cause of tsunamis and earthquakes. Children will study volcanoes and distinguish differences between active and dormant volcanoes and locations of volcanic activity.
Design and Technology
Our Design and Technology topic for this term is Make Do and Mend and will be taught later in the term. This project teachers children a range of simple sewing stitches, including ways of recycling and repurposing old clothes and materials.
This term we will be exploring the use if coding and spreadsheets using the Purple Mash scheme of learning for year 6.
This year we will be using the award-winning Music learning scheme, Charanga. Children’s learning will be focussed on the pop song ‘Happy’ and will have many opportunities to listen to and appraise music as well as studying lyrics and rhythm.
The children will focus on specific topics including families and friendships, safe relationships and respecting ourselves and others.
This half term, the children will be focusing on the key question – what do religions say when life gets hard? Lessons will enable pupils to learn in depth from different religious and spiritual ways of life about teaching about hard times, focussing on exploring death.
Foreign Languages
This term children will be studying the following topics during weekly French lessons: classroom routines, clothes and family members. Children will learn how to create and say sentences in French as well as expressing their likes and dislikes.