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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

nurturing bright futures 


Respect    Responsibility   Resilience 


Meet the Team


6P Class teacher - Mrs Fox

6P Teaching Assistant - Mrs Riches

6G Class Teacher - Miss Sankada

6G Teaching Assistant - Mrs Hall


6P Email:

6G Email:



Welcome to Year 6! We are all looking forward to continuing and sharing in new adventures together as you all develop within your education in your final year of Primary School. We hope you all enjoy your time in Year 6 and if you do have any questions, please contact your class teacher using the class email address.



PE for the Summer Term will be every Thursday and Friday afternoon and children will be developing skills in athletics and swimming. Swimming will be each Friday and children will need to bring in their swimming kit for this lesson.  For athletics, children will need PE kit consisting of jogging bottoms or shorts, t-shirt, jumper/hoody and trainers. Please ensure all PE kits' are named and in school on the day that your child has PE



Home Learning

Home Learning will be set each Friday on Seesaw and is due to be completed by the following Thursday. Home Learning on Seesaw will consist of a Maths, Reading or Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) task relating to the learning completed in class that week. Seesaw logins can be found in the front of your child’s Reading Record Book.


As well as this children are expected to read to an adult three times each week, practice times tables using TTRS and practice spellings in their RWI Log Book. We ask that adults at home sign and date their child's reading record when they have been heard read. Children need to bring their reading book and RWI Log Book into school each day.  


Reading Eggs is a great way for your child to continue improving their reading and comprehension skills. Logins can be found in the front of you child's Reading Record book.


Times Table Rock Stars is a great way for your child to practise their times tables and number skills. Logins can be found in the front of your child's Reading Record book.



Our Summer Term Curriculum 



This half term, we will be using the book Holes to learn how to write a descriptive narrative. Following this we will be focusing on writing an empowering speech inspired from the book Greta. In the second half of the term, children will learn how to write a narrative based on new friendships using the book The Journey as children prepare to move on to secondary school. 



This term, we will be focusing on shape, position and direction. As well as this children will have regular opportunities to revise number, fractions, decimals and percentages, measurement and geometry to help revise for this upcoming SATs tests. Later in the term, children will complete investigations drawing upon all of their reasoning skills. 



In Science this term, our topic is Healthy Bodies. Children will learn about the circulatory system, the human heart and how to keep bodies healthy through a balanced diet and exercise. Children will also learn about the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol on the human body. 



This half term, our topic is Mountains. This topic will focus on Kilimanjaro and other mountain ranges of the world. Children will learn about key topographical features such as hills, mountains, rivers and tectonic plates as well as compare Kilimanjaro to Everest and British mountains. 


Art and Design

Our Art and Design topic for this term is Distortion and Abstraction and will be taught later in the term. This project teachers children about the work of Pablo Picasso, Robert Delaunay and Sonia Delauna and how these artists have used line, colour and shape to create abstract pieces. 



This term we will be learning about blogging and children will learn how to create their own quiz and share this with the class as well as completing the unit Understanding Binary. 



This year we will be using the award-winning Music learning scheme, Charanga. Children’s learning will be focused on the topics Music and Me and Reflect, Rewind and Play. Children will have many opportunities to listen to and appraise music as well as studying lyrics and rhythm.  



The children will focus on the topics: Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing; Growing and Changing; and Keeping Safe. 



This half term, the children will be focusing on the following two key question – What difference does it make to believe in Ahimsa (harmlessness), Grace, and Ummah (community)? Lessons will enable pupils to learn in depth from different religious and to express their own thoughts and beliefs. 


Foreign Languages

This term children will be researching a holiday in France and presenting this to the class using their spoken language skills by applying their knowledge of how to express preferences and how to say where we live. 

Summer Term Timetable 6P

Summer Term Timetable 6P WB: 08.07.24

Summer Term Timetable 6G

Summer Term Timetable 6G WB: 08.07.24

SATs Information for Parents


SATs stands for Standard Assessment Tests and they are administered by primary schools in England to children in Year 6 to assess children’s progress from KS1 to KS2. The setting and marking of SATs are carried out in UK schools by the Standards & Testing Agency.


Test Timetable for 2024

In May 2024, your child will sit statutory tests in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, Reading and Maths. These are the dates set for the assessments by the Standards and Testing Agency and it is vital that your child attends school throughout all of SATs week. 




Monday 13th May 2024

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar – Paper 1

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar – Paper 2

Tuesday 14th May 2024

English Reading

Wednesday 15th May 2024

Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic

Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning

Thursday 16th May 2024

Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning


Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Tests.

The Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) tests are presented to children as two test papers. Paper 1, a written, short answer paper, tests knowledge of grammar and punctuation taught across Key Stage Two. Pupils have 45 minutes to complete paper 1. Paper 2 is an aural spelling test of 20 words which tests the spelling rules, prefixes and suffixes taught from years 3 - 6.


English Reading Test

The English Reading test focuses on comprehension and includes a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. The test consists of one reading booklet, which has three texts for the children to read, and a separate answer booklet. Pupils have one hour to read the three texts in the reading booklet and answer the questions.


Mathematics Test

The Mathematics assessment is presented to pupils as three test papers. Paper 1 assesses arithmetic and pupils will have 30 minutes to give the answers to calculations.  Papers 2 and 3 assess reasoning and will consist of a wider range of problem-solving questions. Papers 2 and 3 will last for 40 minutes each.


Writing Assessment

There are no statutory tests set to assess writing. Instead, your child’s writing will be teacher assessed. To do this, teachers will be using the Teacher Assessment Framework for Writing for pupils who have completed the Key Stage Two National Curriculum programme of study. A range of different pieces of writing, which have been completed in class as part of your child’s English lessons, will be used to judge each pupil as: working at the expected level, working at a greater depth or working towards the expected level. To be working at the expected level children need to show evidence of all the National Curriculum statements for writing.


Results and Reporting to Parents

Scaled scores are used to report SATs test results for each subject tested. The numerical scores (raw scores) from the SPaG, Reading and Mathematics tests will be converted into a scaled score. A scaled score of 100 shows that a child is working at the expected Year 6 level, a scaled score of 110 or above shows that a child is working at a greater depth and scaled score of below 100 shows that a child is working below the expected level for Year 6.  Parents will receive their child’s SATs results and Teacher Assessment judgements at the end of this academic year in July 2024. All test papers are marked externally not by school staff.


If you have any further questions about the SATs tests, revision guides or if your child becomes anxious about the SATs, please talk to a member of the year 6 staff who will be happy to help.
