Potters' Club
Before & After School Childcare Provision for Reception to Year 6
Playlead: Mrs P. Harper
Playworker: Mrs C. Reid
Booking forms are sent out to parents via email at the start of each term.
Below is a list of the non-negotiables that parents must adhere to, to be able to use the childcare provision. These non-negotiables are to ensure the club is financially viable and remains open to serve the children within our school community.
- The opening hours of before and after school childcare are: 7:30-8:45 & 3:15-5:45.
- There will be a £5 late fee if parents do not pick up after 5:45pm.
- Charges are based on a flat rate irrespective of how long a pupil attends the session.
- The breakfast club session is £6.50 a session.
- The after school session is £10.00 a session.
- Parents have to book a term in advance and will be charged for these bookings, even if the child does not attend the session.
- Payment is in advance. The total termly cost of the advanced bookings will be divided equally across the months of the term and parents will pay their fees on the 1st day of the month.
- Payments can only be made electronically through the school system. We will not be able to accept cash payments.
- For parents of shift workers written evidence would need to be provided to the Headteacher requesting a flexibility in booking and proof of shift worker status would need to be submitted. The Headteacher would then inform the parent of the outcome of the request.
- The school will always try to accommodate an urgent request if numbers allow as long as this was not a regular occurrence as then advance booking would be required.
- By requesting a place for childcare you agree to all of the non-negotiables.
Please remember: Tax Free Childcare
The tax free childcare scheme is available to all eligible parents who register for an account to pay their child/children’s fees. For parents who register, for every £8 that parents pay into the account, the government will pay an extra £2.00. This can then be used to pay your provider (the school) https://www.gov.uk/tax-free-childcare is a good link for parents to read.