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EYFS Curriculum

Potters Green Early Years Curriculum


Whole School Vision

Our vision at Potters Green School is to nurture the bright futures of our pupils by giving them a love of learning, broadening their life experiences and enabling them to develop key skills for future success.


Vision Statement for EYFS
Our vision is to nurture the bright futures of our pupils, broadening their life experiences and enabling them to develop key skills for future success.  Therefore we are committed to providing the best possible start to our pupils school life, teaching them skills and giving them experiences which will ensure their well-being now and success in the future.


Whole School Curriculum Intent

At Potters Green School the curriculum is designed to nurture the bright futures of our pupils by giving them a love of learning, broadening their life experiences and enabling them to develop key skills for future success.

We believe at Potters Green that the school is a constant figure in a changing world for its pupils.  The curriculum offered is one which is broad and balanced and which ‘hooks’ children into their learning and which makes it fun.  Within our curriculum we are proactive in working with our young people on issues which may be challenging for them within the local area and upskill them to make good choices for themselves and have high aspirations for their future.  Potters Green believes that children are entitled to access a range of activities and experiences tailored to meet the needs of our unique school community with the expectation that this will support everyone in becoming educated, responsible, respectful and resilient citizens of Coventry.


EYFS Curriculum Intent

In the EYFS at Potters Green, we start our children on the curriculum journey, as part of the Whole School Curriculum Intent. We take the time to find out about our children as a community of learners and we take time to build into the curriculum opportunities and experiences that the children have not yet experienced

In addition to the Early Learning Goals, we have identified essential skills and behaviours that we know are important for our children to develop for success futures.  These are expressed in the following Key Outcomes:


Key Outcomes

  1. I am independent and resilient
  2. I am physically active and can use gross and fine motor skills correctly
  3. I can communicate and work with others with confidence
  4. I am part of my community
  5. I love reading

EYFS Policy
