Below, you will find details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
The Governing Body acts rather like a Board of Directors. They have a responsibility for setting the strategic direction of the school, and monitoring this through acting as a critical friend and ensuring accountability from the Head Teacher and staff. Responsibility for the implementation of policies and maintenance of standards is delegated to the Head Teacher and on to the staff. Governors make a positive contribution by bringing their experience to help the school provide the best possible education for every one of its pupils. Governors adhere to an annually updated Code of Conduct that sets out their responsibilities and what is expected of them.
Governors are appointed into different categories: co-opted, staff, elected parent, local authority.
The full Governing Body meets at least twice a term with a school visit once a term. There may be times when other meetings take place which do not require the full governors to attend eg pay committee.. Individual governors have specific areas of responsibility which will involve them in school visits and discussions with appropriate school staff, and which they report on to the Governing Body as a whole.
Our governors are friendly and supportive and – like the rest of us – want the school to provide the best education for the children it possibly can. Governors are frequent visitors in school and are keen to help out with a number of activities.
Chair of Governors : Mr Simon Dunnett