Welcome to Year 5
Nurturing bright futures
Meet The Team
5P Class Teacher - Miss A. Asif
5P Email: 5p@pottersgreen.org.uk
5G Class Teacher - Miss K. Weaver
5G Email: 5g@pottersgreen.org.uk
Year 5 Teaching Assistant - Mrs S. Hall
Welcome to Year 5! We are really looking forward to continuing and sharing in your learning journey this year and have planned plenty of lessons to engage, excite and inspire your learning. We hope that you all enjoy your time in Year 5 and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us on our class e-mail and we will be more than happy to support you.
Home Learning
Reading Books will be changed once your child has finished reading their book. There is a box in the classroom for the children to put their book in. We would like to encourage children to change their book at least once a week to increase their reading fluency. Please can you ensure that you sign your child's Reading Record a minimum of 3 times each week, in line with school expectations. Children need to bring their reading book into school each day; even if it doesn’t need changing.
Reading Eggs is a great way for your child to continue improving their reading and comprehension skills. The levels allow children to read a variety of genres and each book has eight different activities to complete, ranging from dictionary work to answering comprehension questions. Logins can be found in the front of your child's Reading Record book. It is our expectation that children login to Reading Eggs and complete one book and the related activities at least twice a week as part of their Home Learning.
Times Table Rock Stars and Numbots is a great way for your child to practise their times tables and number skills. Logins can be found in the front of your child's Reading Record book. It is our expectation that children login in to Times Table Rock Stars twice a week as part of their Home Learning.
Spring Term Curriculum
Tuesday p.m. - Dance
Thursday a.m. - Tennis
P.E. kit will be required every Tuesday and Thursday, which should include non-logo jogging bottoms or shorts, plain jumper/hoodie, a white t-shirt and trainers. We recommend bringing a carrier bag too as trainers may get muddy and covered in grass. Please ensure all P.E. kits are named and in school on the day that your child has P.E.
This half term, we will be learning all about plastic pollution and its impact on our world before writing a persuasive pitch to Mrs Deery about helping to reduce the use of plastics within the school. In the second half of the term, children will watch the short film, The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore, and then create their own narrative.
Our end of day reader will be Who Let The Gods Out by Maz Evans.
Children will take part in Read Write Inc. Spelling lessons four times a week. Please ensure that you are giving your child the opportunity to practice their spellings with you each week and that they have their Spelling Log Book in school every day.
This half term, we will be focussing on Number, including Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. In the second half term, we will be focussing on Measurement: Perimeter and Area; Statistics and Geometry: Properties of Shape. All lessons will focus on Maths mastery following the White Rose scheme. Maths Fluency will take place every day for 10 minutes following the KS2 Mastering Number scheme.
In Science, we will be learning all about Materials and Mixtures in the first half term, followed by Reversible and Irreversible Changes. The children will have opportunities to carry out a range of investigations including melting, cooling and mixing different solids and liquids.
This half term, in History, we will be learning all about Medieval Coventry and answering the question: Why was Coventry of strategic importance during medieval times? In the second half of the term, in Geography, we will be learning about Italy and answering the question: Why is Italy a major European country?
Design Technology:
In Design Technology, the children will study Eat the Seasons, where they will learn about the meaning and benefits of seasonal eating, including food preparation and cooking techniques. They will then put these methods to the test and create their own seasonal soup.
Using Purple Mash, the children will create their own databases; learn about online safety and create their very own game.
This term, the children will be studying the following topics: days of the week, months of the year, sports and hobbies, fruit and food items.
Using Charanga, the children's learning will focus on the songs Make You Feel My Love and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. They will have many opportunities to listen to and appraise music, as well as study lyrics and rhythm.
This term, the children will focus on living in the wider world and specific topics including protecting the environment; compassion towards others; how information online is targeted; different media types, their role and impact; identifying job interests and aspirations; what influences career choices and workplace stereotypes.
This term, the children will continue to focus on Who is Jesus?