Welcome to Year 1
Nurturing bright futures
Meet The Team
1P Class teacher - Miss E. Richards
1G Class Teacher - Miss Moroko
Teaching Assistant - Miss S. Ridler
Teaching Assistant - Miss A. Kanunova
1P Email - Miss Richards: 1P@pottersgreen.org.uk
1G Email - Mrs Moroko: 1G@pottersgreen.org.uk
Autumn Term 1 2024
Tuesday's and Wednesday's
Reading books
Reading books are to be brought in to school daily and are changed when your child is moving on to anther book to match their RWI group. Children will bring home a 'Book to share' and this is to share with an adult at home. This book is not decodable at your child's Phonic stage therefore, they are NOT expected to decode it or read it fluently. Children will also bring home a library book weekly. Please send your child's library book in on a Tuesday. Your child's reading diary is for parents/carers to sign and return to school. Teachers will read with your child in school and will make notes regarding your child's reading progress. Teachers will no longer be commenting in the reading diary.
Homework Seesaw
Homework to be completed by Fridays. Children will receive new homework every week, linked to the learning in school.
Reading Rockets!
For every book your child reads at home, they will move up the Reading Rockets chart in school. For every five books read, your child will receive a certificate. Please support your child with this.
Reading Eggs is a great way for your child to continue improving their spelling, reading and comprehension skills. The levels allow children to read a variety of genres and each book has eight different activities to complete, ranging from dictionary work to answering comprehension questions.
Water Bottles and Snacks
Children can bring their own named water bottles into school to help keep them hydrated throughout the day. Children will be offered fruit during play time.
Need help?
If you have any questions or concerns about your child in school, please ask to speak to your child's class teacher by phoning the school office The member of staff will ring you back at a convenient time or please email using the class email as above.
Welcome to Year One.....we are Miss Richards (1P) and Mrs Marriott (1G). We are very excited to be part of the Year One learning Journey with your child!
The work outlines on our class pages will be updated each half term and this will inform you about what your child will be learning in school. A reading book will be sent home regularly for you to support and enjoy the reading experience with your child and we, as class teachers, will hear your child read often during Read Write Inc Phonics sessions within the school day.
Read Write Inc Phonics/Reading/Get Writing, Maths and English takes place daily. Year One will be taught Science twice a week and Topic twice a week. They are taught handwriting daily.
PE is taught by Mr Hardwick and your child's class teacher. We will visit the Library to change books on a Tuesday.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us on our class e-mails and we will be more than happy to support you.