Respect Responsibility Resilience
Meet The Team
Mrs Gower - RP Class Teacher
Mrs Nowosad - RG Class Teacher Monday-Wednesday
Mrs Dickson - RG Class Teacher Thursday-Friday
Mrs Taylor - Reception Teaching Assistant
Email RP - Mrs Gower:
Email RG - Mrs Nowosad and Mrs Dickson:
Welcome to Reception, we are Mrs Gower (RP) and Mrs Nowosad and Mrs Dickson (RG). We are very excited to be a part of your child's early learning journey. The work outlined on our class pages will be updated each half term and this will inform you about what your child will be learning in school.
General Information
Drop off and pick up
Reception children are to be dropped off between 8:40-8:50am at the green gate- towards the top of the car park. Children are then collected at the end of the day. The green gate will be opened and you are invited to wait outside your child's class at 3:20pm.
All children are entitled to a free school lunch. Every morning children choose what they are going to eat. They have a choice from a meat or vegetarian meal, jacket potato or a sandwich (Tuesday and Thursday only). All served with a pudding choice of the day or fruit or yogurt. There is also a daily salad cart that the children can access.
Water Bottles and Snacks
Children can bring their own water bottles into school to help keep them hydrated throughout the day. Children will be offered fruit and milk throughout the day.
Incentives: Positively Reinforcing Good Behaviour
Based on the principle/expectation that good behaviour will be the expected norm, teachers, support staff and the school’s management structures will have a range of formal and informal methods of reinforcing good behaviour. We have a range of school-wide means of rewards which can be used and applied to children following any of our school rules in all areas of school.
Star of the Week
'Star of the week' Certificates and stickers are presented to 2 children (1 girl, 1 boy) on a Friday during celebrations assembly. An award is earned by a pupil who has stood out that week for either their work, behaviour or upholding the values of the school. The teacher will explain clearly why that child has been chosen. The child will receive a certificate which is taken home to parents and a sticker to wear during the day.
Headteacher’s Awards
Children can receive a Headteacher’s Award for an excellent standard of work or when a pupil has improved their work considerably. A sticker is placed on the child’s work and another for them to wear throughout the day. The headteacher also has postcards which can be sent home to parents as a surprise.
Attendance Award
Children who have 100% attendance in a term will be presented with an attendance badge during the end of term celebrations assembly.
Termly Awards
At the end of each term, a Child of Excellence award will be presented in assembly to celebrate a child who has consistently demonstrated the schools core values.
Your child will need a P.E kit in school. Please send in a named PE kit for your child to get changed in to. They will need pumps, t-shirt and shorts. PE kits stay in school and will be sent home at the end of each half term. P.E is every Friday.
Home Learning
Coming soon....
Reading Books
Your child will be bringing home a folder labelled Phonics Homework, in this there will be a 'Book Bag Book'. These will be sent home once your child has learnt the set 1 sounds and is able to blend with these sounds. Please support your child with this by writing in their diary so we know they have read or shared a book with you. Our school expectation is that you read with your child three times per week. Please write the title of the book and sign your name to indicate they have read/shared a book. They will also have a library book. The children will access the library once a week on either a Thursday or a Friday.
Please ensure your child's reading book is in their bag every day.
Autumn Term
This half term the children will be getting to know the rules and routines of Reception as well as making new friends and having new experiences. We look forward to getting to know the children, finding out about what they enjoy, their favourite things and also about things they do not like also. We will be focusing on 'families' and speaking to the children about who they live with. We will focus on Traditional tales and learn about different festivals over the next few months.
In Literacy we will share daily stories and rhymes with the children and introduce them to Phonics. The children will learn a new sound each day, they will practice writing and recognising the sounds. I am sure they will share this with you.
In Maths, we follow the White Rose curriculum and NCETM Mastery in Number. This term there is an introduction to number, counting and matching amounts as well as beginning to recognise patterns and shapes.
The children have access to the indoor and outdoor environment. As the weather is changeable, please ensure that your child has a coat and the appropriate footwear as they are outside in all weathers. Wellies can be brought into school, named and kept on their peg as they will use these for outdoor play at times.
The children will begin PE in the next few weeks, we start of by taking off socks and shoes and slowly build up to changing into PE kits. Any help you can provide at home with dressing and undressing will be invaluable as we support the children to become independent at this.