Welcome to Year 4
Nurturing bright futures
Meet The Team
4P Class teacher - Miss Duck
4P Email: 4p@pottersgreen.org.uk
4G Class teacher - Mrs Bolus
4G Email: 4g@pottersgreen.org.uk
Year 4 teaching assistant: Mrs Hine
Welcome back to school! We hope you had a lovely Christmas break and are as excited as we are about the term ahead! On a Monday, Year 4 will take part in Outdoor Learning. Your child will require to bring in appropriate clothing and footwear for this lesson, please look out for correspondence about this.
During the Spring term, in history we will be exploring our topic, Plague, Pox and Antibiotics. We will also be learning about "Rivers" in geography.
In science this term, we will be looking at Electricity and Digestion.
This term, in Computing we will be investigating hardware and logos. Within Art this term, we are going to design and draw our very own vistas using watercolours. In music during the Spring term, we will be learning a song called 'Stop!' which is about preventing bullying, as well as 'Lean on me'.
Within RSHE this term, we will be learning about belonging to a community, media literacy and money. During the Spring term in French, we will be learning how to reference members of our family, zoo animals, pets and specific Easter vocabulary.
In Maths this term, we will be exploring multiplication and division, length and perimeter and fractions. It is vital that children are regularly practising their times tables and basic fluency skills by using resources such as Times Table Rock Stars and Hit The Button. Knowing these facts will positively impact their understanding of new skills massively.
During the first half of the term we will be continuing to write our narrative based on The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. After completing this, we will be writing a play script based on The Plague. During Spring 2, we will be writing a poem based on a river using poetic language. We will also write a biography on Nikola Tesla who is a key figure in history.
Our end of day reader will be Journey to Jo'Burg by Beverly Naidoo.
Children will be taking part in Read Write Inc. Spelling lessons, or Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons three times a week. Please ensure that you are giving your child the opportunity to practice their spellings / phonics with you each week and are accessing Ruth Miskin's Virtual Classroom via Seesaw where appropriate.
During the Spring term, Year 4 will have PE on a Tuesday and Friday.
It is essential that your child has the correct PE kit for their lessons. Please do get in touch if you need any help with this.
Times tables Rockstars (TTRS) is an excellent way to encourage children to learn their times tables, we are focusing on every times table this term in preparation for their Multiplication Year 4 Check. All children have been given their logins and are able to log in and play! It is important that children are given the opportunity to practice their tables daily.
Reading Books will be changed once the child has finished reading their book. Children will be heard in class by their class teacher or TA at least once a week. Children should be reading 3 times at home to an adult and recorded in their reading records with a signature of who heard them read. Please refer to the home reading agreement for further information. In class, we have a rewards system that allows children to receive a prize in assembly, once they have completed eight books or have read eight times.
Reading Eggs via www.readingeggs.com/signin
An online reading platform with lots of exciting books and rewards to be had! This is a brilliant way to promote your child's love for reading, whilst improving their fluency and comprehension.