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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Nurturing bright futures 


Respect    Responsibility   Resilience 


Meet The Team


4P Class teacher - Miss Duck
4P Email:


4G Class teacher - Miss Armitage

4G Email:


Year 4 teaching assistant: Mrs Hine


Welcome back to school! We hope you had a lovely summer break and are as excited as we are about the year ahead!  During the Autumn term, in history we will be exploring the Romans the impact they had on Britain. We will also be learning about "Our European Neighbours" in geography.

In science this term, we will be looking at living things and different states of matter.


This term, in Computing we will be continuing to learn how to code by making our own computer games. During Autumn 2, we will be understanding how to create and interpret spreadsheets. Within DT this term, we are going to design and create our own machines using levers and pulleys. In music during the Autumn term, we will be singing songs from the well known artist, Abba fitting in with the term's theme: Mamma Mia! During Autumn 2, we will be developing our glockenspiel skills.


Within RSHE this term, we will be learning about families and friendships, safe relationships and respecting ourselves and others. During the Autumn term in French, we will be revising colours and parts of the body. We will also be asking for French translation and learning Christmas vocabulary in French.



In Maths this term, we will be exploring the value of numbers up to 10,000 in our Place Value topic as well as ordering and comparing numbers. During Autumn 1 we will be ensuring we have a really strong understanding of the composition of numbers and their value. We will then move onto addition and subtraction, finding the area, multiplication and division and time. It is vital that children are regularly practising their times tables and basic fluency skills by using resources such as Times Table Rock Stars and Hit The Button. Knowing these facts will positively impact their understanding of new skills massively.



During the first half of the term term we will be reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Wizard of Once in our writing lessons and then re writing these texts using the key skills we have learned. In the second half of the Autumn term, we will be looking at a balanced argument 'Should we Feed Animals at National Parks?' and creating our own argument taking influence from the one we have read. We will also re write a classic text: The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.


Our end of day reader will be The Boy in the Back of the Class by Onjali Rauf.


Children will be taking part in Read Write Inc. Spelling lessons, or Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons three times a week. Please ensure that you are giving your child the opportunity to practice their spellings / phonics with you each week and are accessing Ruth Miskin's Virtual Classroom via Seesaw where appropriate.



During the Summer term, Year 4 will have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday.


Year 4 will have swimming lessons on a Thursday morning. A swimming kit is required which should consist of a swimming costume (not a two piece) or swimming shorts and a towel. Children can bring swimming goggles and a swimming hat, if they wish but these are not essential. If children have long hair, this must be tied up before the swimming lesson. Please provide your child with a swimming bag/ plastic bag for them to put their wet swimming kit in after their lesson.


Year 4 will have outdoor lessons on a Tuesday afternoon during Autumn 1. This lesson will be outside, so please ensure your child has appropriate attire to be outside. Your child will need to wear a white t-shirt and black shorts or jogging bottoms. Please ensure they have appropriate trainers to wear.


It is essential that your child has the correct PE kit for their lessons. Please do get in touch if you need any help with this.




Children have homework set on Seesaw weekly. We will set the homework on a Friday and expect it to be completed by Tuesday of the following week. If your child cannot access Seesaw, or you need support, please get in touch with your child's teacher via the office or class email.


Times tables Rockstars (TTRS) is an excellent way to encourage children to learn their times tables, we are focusing on every times table this term in preparation for their Multiplication Year 4 Check. All children have been given their logins and are able to log in and play! It is important that children are given the opportunity to practice their tables daily.


Reading Books will be changed once the child has finished reading their book. Children will be heard in class by their class teacher or TA at least once a week. Children should be reading 3 times at home to an adult and recorded in their reading records with a signature of who heard them read. Please refer to the home reading agreement for further information. In class, we have a rewards system that allows children to receive a prize in assembly, once they have completed eight books or have read eight times.


Reading Eggs via

An online reading platform with lots of exciting books and rewards to be had! This is a brilliant way to promote your child's love for reading, whilst improving their fluency and comprehension.


Useful Websites

Times Table Rock Stars!


