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Late/Absence Procedures

Attendance Policy

Attendance and Absence from School


To ensure all our children receive their full entitlement to teaching and learning opportunities, we actively promote good attendance and punctuality. A copy of the Attendance Policy is on the school website.  Local Authority Staff are attached to the school and review the attendance registers regularly.  Visits will be made to parents at home in cases of irregular attendance or frequent lateness, and in extreme cases, where other approaches have failed, the Local Authority will issue a Fixed Penalty Notice. 


If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, please telephone to let us know each day of their absence by 10:00am. If a child has been sick or had diarrhoea, please give them 48 hours away from school to recover.  The school may request a letter from your doctor to verfiy an absence for children who is absent regularly.


All absences from school, unless medical,  in term time, need to be approved in advance.  The headteacher only approves absences in term time due to exceptional circumstances.  A holiday is not an exceptional circumstance and should not be taken during term time.  Parents will fined for unauthorised absences, including holiday requests if taken. 
